Repugnant Broo Leader

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The Broo Leader wears a mish-mash of armor, seemingly held together with dirt, sticks, and other things too disgusting to mention. This combination of man and goat forces the other Broos to attack with a series of grunts, clicks, and brute force.

Keywords: Broo, Leader.
Level: 14.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: kleptomaniac, poisonous, wimpy.
Affects: detect hidden, infravision.


A repugnant Broo Leader is using:
<worn on body>      a boiled leather vest
<held in offhand>   a tattered kite shield
<wielded>           a long war-maul
A repugnant Broo Leader is carrying:


Note that the broo shaman sacrifices corpses. If you're after the leader's gear you should kill any shamans in the room first. Additionally, other Broos tend to grab corpses, which can also be inconvenient.


Area: Broo Village (Map).

A repugnant Broo Leader wanders.

A repugnant Broo Leader is portable.