Drow Guard Of The Gates

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This drow guard is walking back and forth all day long. He is patrolling to fight intruding dwarves and orcs, but doesn't seem to mind you.

Keywords: drow, guard, gate.
Level: 37.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: none.


A drow guard of the gates is using:
<worn on body>      a drow ringmail
<worn on head>      a chain coif
<held in offhand>   an adamantite shield
<wielded>           an adamantite sword
A drow guard of the gates is carrying:



Area: Tower Of The Ancient Drow (Map).
Room(s): Inside the double doors (portable)

Walking route from Aelmon: 14n, 8w, n, e, 4d, s, d, w, 2d, e, d, e, d, w, d, 2s, d, 2e, 2s.

Walking route from GateKeeper man robe: 3n, w, n, w, d, w, 3s.

A drow guard of the gates is portable.