Drow Mistress

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Perhaps the most influential of all the academy masters, she now is the only one with any position. The mistress of the cleric's academy is dressed in lavish robes and bedecked in jewels. She looks like she enjoys her position.

Keywords: drow, priestess, mistress.
Level: 23.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: aggressive, cleric, steadfast.
Affects: detect invis, infravision.


The drow mistress is using:
<wielded>           (Glowing) a four-headed Snake Whip
The drow mistress is carrying:



Area: Drow City (Map).
Room(s): Cleric Academy (portable).

Walking route from Sol: 3e, 2n, 3e, 5n, 3w, n, 2u, 2w, u, 3n, 3e, 2n, 2e, 2s, [e], [d], d, e, n, 5e, 3n, 3e, s, 2w, s, w, [w], [w], 3n, w.

One of the final door is locked. If you do not have Pass Door, you will need to obtain the Silver Spider Amulet.

The drow mistress is portable.