Iadh Sentry

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This creature is an iadh, a race of very large, very aggressive insects. Standing on four legs with two arms curled in front of it, it bears resemblance to an insectoid centaur. The iadh has a layered leathery carapace, and each of its limbs are dangerously barbed at the joints. It stands curiously still, and without any visible eyes it's impossible to tell whether it's sleeping or not.

Keywords: insectoid, creature, iadh
Level: 45
Alignment: bad
Flags: steadfast, scavenger, aggressive
Affects: infravision, detect hidden, move hidden, asleep


Three iadh sentries populate the entrance to the iadh tunnels, between the volcano's peak and the one-way entrance to the colony.

One of the sentries is awake.


Area: Gorn's Anchor (Map)
Room: Descent into Gorn's Anchor (cursed)
Walking route from Cindare: w, n, 2e, 2u, n, 2d, e (passes the Magical Roc, a dangerous mob)