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A young weaponsmith, who still has lots to learn.

Keywords: weaponsmith.
Level: 51 or more.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: citizen, steadfast.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis.


The weaponsmith is using:
<wielded>           a long sword
The weaponsmith is carrying:                                                         [Lv Price]
     a standard issue Bowie knife                                                    [ 7    30]
     the Skullcracker rod                                                            [10    66]
     a long sword                                                                    [ 7    15]
     a small sword                                                                   [10    27]
     a dagger                                                                        [ 7    15]


The weaponsmith will buy most melee weapons.


Area: Midgaard (Map).
Room: The Weaponshop (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 5e, [n].

The weaponsmith is portable.