Assistant Chronicler (historian)

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He notices your gaze and explains himself, "This case used to contain some rare and ancient Fae etchings. They were stolen by a filthy little gremlin a long time ago. We would dearly like to have the back, but because of Undrehand's presence we cannot even spare a few men to raid the Gremlins' island to retrieve it." He lets out a deep and mournful sigh.

Keywords: assistant, chronicler, historian, high, elf.
Level: 24.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: sanctuary.


An assistant chronicler is using:
An assistant chronicler is carrying:


An assistant chronicler is involved in Kingdom Of The Willows' Wafer of Knowing Quest.


Area: Kingdom of the Willows (Map).
Room: Spiriel Hall: Of Sprites (portable).

Walking route from Grand Duchess Saerba: 2e, s.

An assistant chronicler is portable.