Horseshoe (armor)

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An iron horseshoe is here. Some consider these lucky.

Armor class is 1-5.
Modifies damage roll by 1 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 1 continuous.

Keyword(s): horseshoe
Type: armor
Flag(s): none
Slot(s): <held>
Weight: 2 lbs
Level(s): 5-15
Quality: 100 hps


The mob is a shopkeep. You can buy the gear off of him for 16-90 gold coins depending on level.

This item varies wildly in level, like all items sold by shopkeepers. If you kill Baz he'll repop with different level horseshoes for sale.


Area: Heather Flats (Map)
Mob(s): Baz The Blacksmith (portable)

Warning: Don't portal just to Baz because it will take you to an aggressive high level sanc'd hero dragon in Padmasa Instead portal fishmonger and go w,s,3w, or just portal baz black.