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The INVIS spell makes the target character invisible. Invisible characters will become visible when they attack. NOTE: AVATAR immortals frown on casting invisibility on mobs used for training or healing. Be warned that attempting to do so may result in swift retribution!

Prerequisite(s): none.

Syntax: cast 'invis' <character>.

See also Racial Invis.

This is a highly valuable skill for characters of all clases (who can) to learn. Invis is one of three invaluable stealth skills, along with Sneak and Move Hidden. It is superfluous for characters affected by Mask. Because characters cease to be invisible when they attack mobs, characters normally wear gear like rings of the rat to provide invisibility during runs, as it would be terribly wasteful to both time and mana to re-cast Invis after every fight; however, like Magic Light, Invis may be highly useful during corpse retrivals.

See also Gear That Applies Invis and Invis Gear.