Pain Elementals

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Pain Elemental Statistics Tables
Lord-Tier Pain Elemental Statistics by Class
bzk, bod, pal,
asn, mag, mnd,
psi, sor, wzd
cle, dru, prs
arc, bci, fus,
mon, rog, shf
Str ??–?? (??) ??–25 (28) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Int ??–?? (??) ??–34 (37) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Wis ??–?? (??) ??–23 (26) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Dex ??–?? (??) ??–24 (27) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
Con ??–?? (??) ??–25 (28) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??) ??–?? (??)
NOTES: numbers in each cell above are initial trained value – maximum trainable value (maximum allowable value for non-devotees); class prime requisites are green.

Pain elementals are large and fearsome creatures. They appear as humanoid forms comprised of base elements with a core of sparkling electricity. Like their lesser cousins, they can rearrange their composition to ALIGN to a particular element, granting many of the characteristics of that element. In addition, they can surround themselves with a powerful PAIN AURA, which causes intense pain in all enemies who get near them.

  • Abbreviation: PaE.
  • Well-Suited to Be: ?
  • Ill-Suited to Be: ?


Pae have 10% arcane and psionic spellcost reduction and no divine penalty.

For more general comments about this evolutionary race check Imps.