Riithi Captain's Ring

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Armor class is 10-11.

Modifies damage roll by 3 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 2 continuous.

Keyword(s): ring captain riithi
Type: armor
Flag(s): hum dark
Slot(s): <worn on finger>
Weight: 2 lbs
Level(s): 44-46
Quality: 100 hps



Area: Drow Armory (Map)
Mob(s): Shinriith Captain

Port Talriith, track Shinriith Captain. Warning he is aggie.

Instead of tracking, it's a lot faster to take a quick look at the map. All of the Talriith wander in the same part of the area, that consists mostly of caverns and dark chambers. As soon as you get to the dark chamber with three doors, go [e] [s] d 2w d 2w d w (.esd2wd2wdw for zMUD users).