Animated Corpse Of Targa

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Targa looks like he was once a proud Samurai, but all his Honor could not save him from the fate that claimed his friends, Animated Corpse Of Mosca, Faustus, and Millament. Somehow, in death, his armor and sword have become evil, cursed, and seemingly able to think for themselves.

Keywords: targa, ???
Scan Description: (Flying) (White Aura) This walking corpse looks just like Targa the Samurai!
Level: ???.
Alignment: Demonic.
Flags: ??, ??, ??.
Affects: sanctuary, fly.


the animated corpse of Targa is using:

<on body>           a pair of hollow Hell Eyes
<waist>             a gaping Hell Mouth
<wielded>           a blood-thirsty katana



Area: Cloud Dracoleum (Map).
Room: Mob Wanders

Walking route from Aelmon: 19n, 3e, 3n, 6e, 2n to get to Svlad, see below.

Walking route from Svlad: Go 3n, u, e, Targa wanders near the northern part of the area