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The barrow wight is a ghastly looking creature. Drawing its existence from the negative material plane, it only half exists in our world. Dark shadows are its face; shining black claws are its features.

Keywords: wight.
Level: 29.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: steadfast, aggressive, undead, lich.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, infravision, invisible, pass door.


A barrow-wight is using:
<wielded>           a silver arrow
A barrow-wight is carrying:
     a strand of hair
     a vial of true seeing



Area: Nubrius (Map).
Room(s): Inside a barrow (cursed).

Walking route from Aelmon: 37s, 8w, s, 6e, n, 2e, s, e, [d]. (note: crosses water terrain)