Centaur Archer

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Seeing you, this centaur bows and greets you warmly. "Welcome, friend. I'm so glad that you've come to help us to reclaim Westwood from the darklin! Pardon my being a bit distracted but I thought that I may have just glimpsed a forest dragon fly overhead. I'm told that one has settled in a hidden lair somewhere northish of us in Westwood. A few centaurs believe that she may be responsible for our two missing fighters but most here seriously doubt this--although she does have a voracious appetite for unicorn flesh, she has never dared to attack elves or lizardmen or such before, unless they've attacked her first. Anyway, if you can manage to track down ranger Leah in Westwood sometime, I'm sure that she can tell you much more about Westwood's dragon problems than I can. Quite a few dragons live by my herd's home, too, in Wildwood. I was there only a few days ago when I heard that my cousin here in Westwood had been severely injured in a darklin attack--and, so, I galloped here to help her. Well, in any case, I'd best resume my archery practice now; that silly Westwood centaur over there just beat me in a little contest, but I'm gonna try to best him in a rematch. I'll show him what a Wildwood centaur is capable of! And then I'll show those horrid darklin critters, too." And, at that, she grins mischievously, laughs, wheels about, and trots off with a happy swagger in her step.

Keywords: centaur, archer.
Level: 20.
Alignment: heroic.
Flags: none.
Affects: infravision.


A centaur archer is using:
<worn on body>      a simple dyed sylvan tunic
<worn on feet>      a fine set of hipposandals
<wielded>           a simple hunter's longbow
A centaur archer is carrying:



Area: Centaur Hollow (Map).

A centaur archer wanders about a Bell-Shaped Grotto.