Corroded Bronze Kilt

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This has seen better days. Being buried for the gods only know how long has certainly not done this piece of ancient battle gear much good. It would take someone of considerable skill to deal with the damage time has wrought.

Modifies save vs ice by 10 continuous
Modifies save vs lightning by 30 continuous
Modifies mana by 3 continuous
Modifies hp by 5 continuous
Modifies moves by -40 continuous
Modifies armor class by -10 continuous

Keyword(s): bronze kilt collection plates
Type: armor
Slot: legs
Levels: Levels 24-26
Weight: 12 lbs
Bases: 5-7
Flags: none
Area: Glyntaff Pass (Map)


This lowmort item has the same AC as Willowmail Leggings, but many other bonuses as well. It is gained through a very difficult battle that should not be attempted by those smaller than superheroes.

Please note that the saves are positive, thus worsening the resistances.
