Giant Earwig

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The Giant Earwig stares back at you! You shouldn't have looked at it. Now it wants to eat you. You had better act quickly or you might join the elf in the skillet.

Keywords: earwig.
Level: 50.
Alignment: apathetic.
Flags: cannibal, kleptomaniac.
Affects: hide, infravision.


A Giant Earwig is using:
A Giant Earwig is carrying:
     (Glowing) a piece of grape candy



Area: The Abyss (Map).
Room: The Kitchen of the Earwig (portable).

Walking route from Aelmon: 16e, [e], 2e, n, e, 2n, 2w, 2n, 2w, 5n, 3d, 2w, 9d, s.

Walking route from Tapeworm: 2u, s.

A Giant Earwig is portable.