Key With The Sigil Of Tul-Sith

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This simple key is made of a strong silvery medal. It radiates an aura of blessings. The sigil of Tul-Sith is engraved into the body of the key. It would be impossible to mistake that it belongs somehow to Tul-Sith's Temple.

Keyword(s): tul-sith, key.
Level(s): 18-19.
Type: key.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 5 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): glow, good, hum, nodrop.


This key unlocks the door east of The Office of the Secretary to the Temple of Tul-Sith, which leads to Tul-Sith's Treasure and Vault.


Area: Temple of Midgaard (Map).
Room(s): The Office of the Secretary to the Temple of Tul-Sith (portable) in the secretary's desk.

Walking route from Sol: 3e, s, 3e, 3s, 5e, n, 12e, 2n, w, 3n, {w}, {s}, {s}, u, s.
Walking route from Aelmon: 5w, 2n, w, 3n, {w}, {s}, {s}, u, s.

Walking route from High Priest guildmaster: d, 2e, n, w, 3n, {w}, {s}, {s}, u, s.