Minor Imp Evolution Quest

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The Oracle exclaims 'So it seems your kind still know enough to seek me out!'

The Oracle says 'Well now little misfit ... you have come to the right place. I might be the only person left who can help you.'

The Oracle giggles.

The Oracle says 'There are several items I require and then perhaps I will show you something.'

The Oracle says 'First I will need blood from Ma'Klyn's altar.'

The Oracle says 'I'll then be needing some fish scales.'

The Oracle exclaims 'Finally I'll need an eye of newt to complete the potion and begin the ritual!'

The Oracle says 'Go and find each of these and return them to me.'

In Land Of The Fire Newts there is an The Oracle. Give the The Oracle 1 gold coin, she will then tell you that you need to get 3 items for her. Glimmering Scales, Elixir Of Crimson Blood and An Eye Of Newt give the first two to her and she will convert them into tickets with a funky bright color rename, then give her the eye. She will then give you a scroll, give her this back, she will then bind it to you and give it you back and thats it you now only need to get to lvl 25 and evolve. The scroll is involved in the Dust Imp Evolution Quest.