Namure's Collar Quest

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  • To get this item you will have to prove your worthiness to Namure. Bring her evidence that you've dispatched a great foe of the monks of Gorn's anchor.
  • A large or properly prepared hero can obtain the required ticket on their own.
  • Characters in the upper 40s are recommended to employ a well-rounded group, especially one who can cast invisibility. Be sure to avoid any flying enemies, as they will cause trouble.
  • The commander may need to be skinned by an archer.

This is not bogus gear, and it can be useful for UD, since it provides svs.

The ticket for this quest is head of the iadh commander which you obtain by skinning the corpse of The iadh commander.

You give head of the iadh commander to Namure, the Hand of Gorn. Namure takes the head from you and examines it closely. "Yes," she says, "this is the remains of the iadh commander, is it not? I am grateful that you have struck such a blow to the iadh race, however I don't believe that this alone will stop the progress they have already made. I think it is time for the monks of Gorn's Anchor to finally purge the iadh presense from this island. Take this collar. If you wish to help in our cause, you will need its protection." Namure turns from you and signals for you to leave, curt as ever.

Namure, the Hand of Gorn gives you namure's leather collar!