Thin Black Tentacle

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Only the tiniest and thinnest extremity of some creature that must live somewhere deep down among the boulders, it will be enough to tear any careless adventurer of this realm of the weak to pieces.

Keywords: thin, black, tentacle.
Level: 41.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast, very aggressive.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invis, infravision.


A thin black tentacle is using:
A thin black tentacle is carrying:


Skinning a thin black tentacle's corpse yields a long black tentacle string, which is used in Shadow Forest's Longbow Christened 'True Sight' Quest.


Area: Shadow Forest (Map).
Room: Squeezed into a gap among the stones (cursed).

Walking route from white druid: e, s, 2e, n, d, e, n, d, give a large egg to a twisted hunter.