Trading Post

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This is a page dedicated to the players of A.V.A.T.A.R. who are looking to haggle and barter with their fellow players.

Items for Sale[edit]

Trader: Walius - July 19th, 2013

Looking For: Hero Dbril AC

Offering: Lord pgems

Services for Sale[edit]

Items or services sought[edit]

QP catalogue for gold[edit]


During the month of April you can spend your gold to buy certain items and benefits from the QP catalogs. Not every item is available, so continue to read and make sure you understand the limitations.

Prizes/items are subject to change if it turns out the deals are too good. Prizes are not negotiable and rewards cannot be returned. The list below will state if/when an item are bound, what the limits are, etc.

**All gold (or gems, preferably widow gems) MUST be on your character/in 
**the bank of your character.

To participate, post a board 2 (personal board) note: note to Immortal note Subject Gold QPcatalog Offering State what you want + the name of the char that buys the reward and has the gold/gems.

An IMMORTAL will contact you as soon as possible to help you. However, allow at least 48 hours response time. Do NOT poll IMMs to help you.

For 1 million:
* 1 Quest potion. Choices: invincibility, steel skeleton, barkskin, 
  pardon, panacea, solitude, mystical barrier
* Gain One level at hero or lord (Up to a max of 25 levels per character)
  Applies to the following races: very small, small, medium
* A Lowmort hit/ac/tank gear set (lvl 10/20)
For 2 million:
* A Lowmort hit/ac/tank gear set (lvl 30/40)
* 500 explosive arrows/stones/bolts
* Utility gear (999 use whetstone or rogue tool)
* Level 1 high hp/capacity weight 0 container (holds 2000)
* Hero Perfect Gem
* Gain One level at hero or lord (Up to a max of 25 levels per character)
  Applies to the following races: large, very large
For 5 million:
* A Quest potion. Choices: intervention, foci, fortitudes, awen, 
  imm frenzy, imm bless
* Full immortal rename on an item of choice. (keywords, short, 
  long, action descr and 1 extra descr)
* Lord Perfect Gem (amethyst, ruby, emerald, sapphire)
* Reinforce + consecrate + major ward on an item
* Imm sharpen/restring.
For 10 million:
* A specific grandfathered item. 
 List of items available will be announced later this month! :)
* Reduce weight on non-weapon by 50% or +/- 2 on a weapon
* Lord Perfect Diamond
* Remove 1 alignment/dark flag
* Reduce item level by 1
* Unworship (any tier)
For 15 million:
* Add +1 stat to an item (str/wis/int/dex/con max 5 in total)
For 25 million:
* 100 hp/mana to a hero item OR 250 hp/mana to a lord item (once)
For 35 million:
* 1 min OR 1 max OR 1 HR/DR OR -3 AC to an item (max 5x, gets bound at 5x)
Insignias - max gains per char per category: 10%
2% HP gain - permanent : 10 million 
2% Mana gain - permanent : 10 million
2% faster hp regen - permanent : 10 million
2% faster mana regen - permanent : 10 million

5% HP gain - permanent : 20 million
5% Mana gain - permanent : 20 million
5% faster hp regen - permanent : 20 million
5% faster mana regen - permanent : 20 million