Ralbo Breadhand

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Former court Baker, this husky halfling made a grave error at the court one day and got banished to menial diplomatic duty. What was that error? He baked the wrong cake for the king!

Diplomatic Corps

Ralbo Breadhand represents Halflings in the Diplomatic Corps.


Area: Diplomatic Corps (Map).
Room: A mission from the hobbits (safe, cursed).

Walking route from Aelmon: 8n, 7w, [s], d, 2n, 5w, n

Level 10-19

Heather Flats (Map)

Level 20-29

Thrall Swamp (Map), Tul-Sith's Hospice (Map), Laboratory of Chalmus (Map), Orkenhome (Map)

Level 30-39

Temple of Midgaard (Map), Coven (Map)

Level 40-49

Zin's Hall Of Oddities (Map)

Level 50-Hero 10

Cavern of ManyJaws (Map), Wildwood (Map), Antharia (Map), Desecrated Monastery (Map)