Ralbo Breadhand

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Former court Baker, this husky halfling made a grave error at the court one day and got banished to menial diplomatic duty. What was that error? He baked the wrong cake for the king!

Diplomatic Corps[edit]

Ralbo Breadhand represents Halflings in the Diplomatic Corps.


Area: Diplomatic Corps (Map).
Room: A mission from the hobbits (safe, cursed).

Walking route from Aelmon: 8n, 7w, [s], d, 2n, 5w, n

Level 10-19[edit]

Heather Flats (Map)

Level 20-29[edit]

Thrall Swamp (Map), Tul-Sith's Hospice (Map), Laboratory of Chalmus (Map), Orkenhome (Map)

Level 30-39[edit]

Temple of Midgaard (Map), Coven (Map)

Level 40-49[edit]

Zin's Hall Of Oddities (Map)

Level 50-Hero 10[edit]

Cavern of ManyJaws (Map), Wildwood (Map), Antharia (Map), Desecrated Monastery (Map)