Map Of The Town Of Solace

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|  N                                                     |
|W + E            The Town of Solace                     |
|  S                                      * = To The Air |
|                      North Gate                        |
|                           |                            |
|                          | |                           |
|         _________________| |_________  Administration  |
|        |_________________   _________     Building     |
|   Harvest    Marketplace | |                           |
|   Rd   __________________| |__________________         |
|   --> |  ________________ * ________________  |        |
|       | |West Gullen way | |East Gullen Way | |        |
|       | |                | |                | |        |
| Guard | |\ Orphanage     | |                | | Guard  |
| Tower | |________________| |________________| | Tower  |
|   --> |___________________/___________________| <--    |
|                      South Gate                        |

Keyword(s): map, town, solace.
Level(s): 0.
Type: scroll.
Slot(s): none.
Quality: 1 hps.
Weight: 1 lbs.
Flag(s): none.


See also Maps.


Area: Stonehall (Map).
Mob(s): Tilly.

Tilly sells these. See her page for more information.