Pair Of Willowmail Sleeves

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These sleeves appear to have endured many years in Midgaardia's wilds and yet they remain in very good condition, attesting to their anonymous elven maker's masterful craftsmanship. Made of green and silver mithril, they weigh next to nothing and only make a dim rustling noise as opposed to the usual clangs and clinks of armor.

Armor class is 3-6.
Modifies hit roll by 1 continuous.

Keyword(s): pair, sleeves, willowmail, elven, used.
Level(s): 19-21.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): <worn on arms>.
Quality: 100 hps.
Weight: 3 lbs.
Flag(s): none.



Area: Centaur Hollow (Map).
Mob(s): Kemenserme, Roccondil.

See individual mob pages above for more information.