Quest Point Catalog - Items

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The following items can be bought for questpoints. Entries with a * in front of them can be bought from the Quest Automaton in Midgaard, Stonehall & Thorngate, for other items contact the regular Quest Imm(s).

    10   * hit, tank, OR mana gear set for level 10 OR 20 lowmort
    10   * Adventurer's kit (useful item pack) (see &&& for info)
    20   * hit, tank OR mana gear set for level 30 OR 40 lowmort
    25   * fireheart gem (500,000 gold)
    25     full rename on an item
    50   * perfect gem of choice
    50     alter item weight +/- 2
    50   * high hp/capacity bag (5000hp, 1000 lbs capacity)
    50   * remove 1 alignment or dark flag
    50     remove flag (no etch, rune)
    50   * 500 explosive arrows, stones OR bolts (lvl 54)
    50   * reinforce OR consecrate OR major ward on item (no change to level)
   100     alter item weight +/- 5
   100   * reinforce+consecrate+major ward on item (no change to level)
   100     reduce weight of any non-weapon item by 50%
   125   * 50 quest(glass) arrows, stones OR bolts (lvl 54)
   125   * add 1 statpoint to an item
   125   * alter item lvl by 1
   125     1 point added to bow/weapon/armor (see ### for info)
   200     2 points added to bow/weapon/armor (see ### for info)
   200   * 999 charge whetstone (weight 0) OR rogue tool (high quality, all purpose, weight 0)
   200     full weapon sharpen
   250     add 150 hp OR 150 mana to weapon (once per item)
   350     4 points added to bow/weapon/armor (see ### for info)
   350     add 150 hp OR 150 mana to non-weapon (once per item)
   700   * helmet of bravery (bound, lvl51 +3/+6, -60 ac, 5% melee, spell OR heal casting bonus)
   700     altered weapon damage type (not on bows)
35-200   * grandfathered item (see help qpc-gf for info)
750/1000 * amulet of immunity (bound, see help qpc-immunity for info)

&&& Adventurer's kit includes level 11: fletch and door/chest picking kit; fly and
sneak gear; level 18 invis gear; level 25 pass door/move hidden gear (faded);
level 40 sharpening and skin corpse gear.

### Add points to item - 1 point is 1 min damage OR 1 max damage OR 1/1 hit/dam OR -1ac.
Maxes out at 5 points at which point the item gets bound to you.