Red Veined Stone

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Chiselled roughly into the shape of some cruel beast, this small stone is likely to be some talisman. The grey stone is lined with veins of red, blood-red, making the dull thing slightly special.

Armor class is 9-11.
Modifies armor class by -7 continuous.

Keyword(s): red-veined, grey, stone.
Level(s): 45-47.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): <held>.
Quality: 100 hps.
Weight: 9 lbs.
Flag(s): dull, nodrop.


This is actually an easy to enchant item and a good replacement for LeMans Family Seal.


Area: A House of Stone (Map).
Mob(s): a grey-clad wizard.

See a grey-clad wizard for more information.