Stone Axe, 'Darkness'

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This weapon was definitely not an apprentice's work: the haft of shiny steel is inlaid with veins of durrite, appearing as if grown in a slow and careful process within the depth of the earth, and the axe-head is a slice of black stone. Where stone and steel join the thin bands of durrite which extend out from the haft wrap themselves around the dark slab, which shows a perfect reflection of everything around. Quite surprisingly the mirror-image seems to get clearer and more pronounced in the places where the original fades into shadows.

Damage is 13 to 29 (average 21).
Modifies damage roll by 4 continuous.

Keyword(s): stone, axe.
Level(s): 25-27.
Type: weapon.
Slot(s): <wielded>.
Quality: 50 hps.
Weight: 18 lbs.
Flag(s): hum.



Area: Odevar Hills (Map).
Mob(s): Derin Stoneaxe.

See Derin Stoneaxe for more information.