Symbol Of Darkness

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A small bracelet inscribed with a dark symbol lies here.

Armor class is 10-12.
Faintly lowers resistance to divine damage continuous
Insignificantly lowers resistance to radiation continuous
Modifies damage roll by 3 continuous.
Modifies hit roll by 3 continuous.

Keyword(s): darkness, symbol, bracelet.
Level(s): 51-53.
Type: armor.
Slot(s): worn on wrist.
Quality: 200 hps.
Weight: 5 lbs.
Flag(s): magic, anti-good, nolocate.



Area: Neraka (Map)
Mob(s): Belag

Portal Ajal (aggie) and go wn2ues2wn2w. Kill Iblis (aggie) for the Slimy Key, Unlock/open n, 2n, Kill Perang (aggie) for the Key Of Blood, Unlock/open e, eu Kill Kekacaun (aggie) for Chaos, s, unlock/open w, w, Kill Kekerasan (hidden, Stabber?) for the Key Of Darkness unlock/open n, n, Kill Malaikat(sanc'd, psion) for the Emerald Key, unlock/open w, w and finally Kill Belag (sanc'd, mage, aggie) for the Symbol.

There's a few rooms safe for regen. Here's a list of the important ones:

  • The room north of Ilbis.
  • The room east of Perang.
  • The room where Malaikat is in.

Remember that most of the route to Belag is one-way. If you move forward, you can't go back.