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Xohd is the citadel's master of earth. His heavy brows and square jaw hint at a stubborn nature, well suited for his role. A heavy-looking stone staff is worn smooth where it is gripped by his broad and callused hands. He seems pleased with the progress of the tunneling.

Keywords: xohd, master, earth
Level: 70.
Alignment: demonic.
Flags: steadfast.
Affects: detect hidden, detect invisible.


Xohd, master of earth is using:
   <worn on body>       a master's robe of earth
   <wielded>            a heavy-looking stone staff


Xohd will give you the sheaf of strong evidence if you give him Sparse and Circumstantial Evidence.

Give earth essence to Xohd to complete the Citadel Of Arcanists' Smooth Stone Tablet Quest.


Area: Citadel Of Arcanists (Map).
Room(s): Excavations

Walking route from Vymm: [s],2e,n,d,e,u,2e,s.

He is portable.